Friday, June 27, 2008


Hello everyone,
Sorry for not getting regular posts on. Please sign the guest book and post comments. It lets me know people are actually reading and will help motivate me to write everyday. I will work on keep updates on my food and workouts. I am on track and doing great. I am getting my body fat checked on Wed. so I am looking forward to that. I will post new measurements at that time as well. I went shopping today. I am officially a size 6. Can get into some 4's, but not very flatterring. How are you doing on your goals? Do you have a motivator? Find a pair of pants you want to fit into and set a goal. Post your goals in the guest book and keep me updated!!! If I can get to 13% body fat and compete in a competition, you can reach your goals. It is mental. Take one day at a time!!! Let me know if I can help you in any way!!! Have you taken your before picture yet? Do you have healthy food in your refrigerator? It takes preparation. As my grandpa says, plan your work and work your plan!!! Talk to you soon. I'll have a new post with food updates and workouts on Sunday!!!
Have a great workout!


Sunday, June 22, 2008

First Before and After

Month 2 pictures

Here are my new pictures after a month of training. I am making progress. I feel more confident. It makes me want to work even harder for next months pics. I will have some different pictures next month as I will be putting together a portfolio in hopes of finding some sponsors. Thanks for all your support!